Friday, August 31, 2007


It's been a shameful interval since I started this up. Hopefully that will change.

Beadweaving is not fast. That can't be overstated.

I needed a break from metal and stone, I suppose, and wanted to go back to glass. A simple afternoon spent learning dimensional right angle weave from my beading mate Lisa had me excited all over again with the potential of this stitch. I think a lot of people shy away from it because it is a little harder to master than other stitches, and you can have many more thread-tugging accidents than with other stitches, but it's so -- plastic. Geometric, logical.

"Modern Thought" is inspired by listening to lots and lots of Shins, and denim, and Iolite chunks, and ancient Rome and Greece. I'm going to do another iteration, as well, because I have enough iolite and blue beads to do so.